Home > Artworks > María Eugenia Scioli

Photo of María Eugenia Scioli Argentina

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Artist Mercedes City, Buenos Aires, Argentina. He attended art workshops in my hometown in Cultural Movement The Lemon and The Vertex Study - Workshop. Belong to the Association of Artists Mercedinos. I have participated in competitions and exhibitions provincial, regional and local group exhibitions, etc.

I currently staff The Cultural Movement artists Lemon (calle 36 No. 627, Mercedes B) where collaborate...

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Artist Mercedes City, Buenos Aires, Argentina. He attended art workshops in my hometown in Cultural Movement The Lemon and The Vertex Study - Workshop. Belong to the Association of Artists Mercedinos. I have participated in competitions and exhibitions provincial, regional and local group exhibitions, etc.

I currently staff The Cultural Movement artists Lemon (calle 36 No. 627, Mercedes B) where collaborate actively in all activities there reaizan. It is an independent cultural center that receives no government subsidy or private, with a showroom open to local artists for free and in where they organize music, theater, etc. buy tickets for popular.

In The Lemon gave a seminar on "techniques applied to paper objects Art "where I teach to work with cartapesta, pulp and paper mache. Working these materials (paper and cardboard) for its accessibility and because my interest also has to do with that art is in favor of the environment, in this case through recycling various materials. I have been involved with masks and masks in the carnival parade of Mercedes using paper, styrofoam obsolete and disposable plastic bottles.

I am interested in painting (my work is a transition between figure and abstraction), sculpture, object making, engraving and photography (digitally speaking photos of my responsibility for promotional posters for cultural events that take place in The Lemon) . I comment about my work in the first art gallery in my city, an undertaking that has been three years operation and are being reported with great effort. The gallery is called: Gala Boutique Art.

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